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SO MANY IDEAS...Where do I start?

I have encountered so many aspiring entrepreneurs who are working a 9-5 and want so much more. They have ideas, dreams, visions, plans, business concepts, but that's just it-- they remain concepts and never become reality. They are never short on thoughts or ideas, but they are always short on time and energy. So they keep giving their energy or lack thereof to their 9-5 until they become complacent or just plain frustrated. You may be in this same place, full of entrepreneur dreams and still no manifested reality.

Are you always coming up with solutions for problems and then leaving them on the shelf (in the back of your mind) for someone else to bring to reality? Do you always have ideas, more than you can count, and can never just settle on one? Or are you constantly analyzing the one business concept you do have--I mean to the point of paralyzation where you can never move because you are stuck in the "what if" scenarios? Well I have some relief for you today. There are 4 initial steps to take to help you get unstuck, to propel you forward, to help you begin to manifest what you always think and dream about.

  1. Write your thoughts down. Grab a journal. If you don't like writing, start an audio note. Start typing a "note" on your phone. Stop thinking about all of these ideas without taking the next step to write them down. It doesn't matter if they are all cluttered. Writing them down is just the first step to organizing your thoughts and dreams.

  2. Discover the commonalities. Do your random written thoughts, or intentional dreams have a common thread? Are your written ideas leaning towards a common goal? Is there a particular problem that you are intending to solve or a solution that you hope to provide? Name it, and write that down, too.

  3. Research. Don't run away from this word. Just do a few google searches to see if your goal, solution, product or service already exists somewhere in your local community, state or the country in general. Is someone already doing what you want to do? Is your idea original or was it inspired by someone or something else? Is your idea an enhancement or modification of something that already exists? If so, name it, and see what else exists out there that is similar to what you want to provide.

  4. Talk to someone. If you already know who your potential customer or client is, talk to them. See what their frustrations are. Ask what they wish already existed. Talk to them about any questions you have about what they wish already existed to solve their problems. See if this aligns with any of the ideas you have written down or aspire to do. If you don't know who your potential customer is, find a business coach or entrepreneur coach, who can help you find some clarity in your ideas or business concept and target market. Find someone who may already be doing what you want to do, and talk to them. Now is not the time to be shy. Find someone who can help you take the next steps.

So there you have it, if you just start by taking these 4 initial steps, you can go from feeling stuck to being unstuck within a couple of days, weeks or months. You. Can. Do. This. You can be the entrepreneur that you've always wanted to be. You can launch your side hustle, while you continue to work the 9-5. You don't have to wait to quit to launch. All you have to do is START. Once you start, it's just as simple as that--you begin to move forward. You can go from aspiring entrepreneur to an active entrepreneur.

So BREATHE. WRITE your thoughts down on paper, speak them into an app, or type them on your laptop or phone. DISCOVER your common or recurring theme(s) to help lead you to your goal, solution, or ultimate idea. Do your RESEARCH to see if your great idea is already someone else's idea that you didn't know about; confirm that your idea is truly unique. Then seek out someone to TALK to. You don't have to look far. Find an entrepreneur coach to help you on your journey. I'm here to help you clarify your thoughts and goals; I can also help you to strategize and bring your business concepts into reality. You can do this. Start today. Take Step#1. When you get to Step#4, book your initial consult with me at no charge:

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